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Why choosing natural stones?

Why should we include stones and crystals into our daily lives?

mensy stones

Well, let me explain you how these beautiful pieces naturally made by our mother earth are so special and have their own power,
Trough history and most ancient civilisations the perceived properties of crystals have remained remarkably consistent trough time, however
In our modern days Crystal healing became an optional and non-intrusive therapeutic method that uses a holistic and energetic approach to wellness.

It is the energy field that emanates from crystals and stones that can heal your spirit your mind and your soul.
They possess a special quality known as the PIEZOELECTRIC effect, what this means is that crystal and stones can accumulate and hold an electric charge, but they also respond to the electricity on earth, there for they start bringing gently changes in our lives when come contact with us.
gold obsidian

When your EMF (electromagnetic field) or the also called AURA comes in contact with a stone or crystal the process of healing begins, by easing physic pain that its often related to the repressed emotions that we unconsciously hide from ourselves because they are too painful, difficult or hard to accept. Starting by relieving emotional stress we can find balance for the first time or find it back to its natural state.

Have a more clarified state of mind sounds a hard task to do, but we have to start somewhere, we can avoid tons of emotional pain, negative thoughts that often stop us from moving forward and prevent possible sickness due to unmanaged stress.
With this slight but important transformation within ourselves we automatically raise awareness, consciousness and a much higher spiritual state

Mensy Stones was created to inspire people with our handmade and unique jewelry made only with love and powerful energy to use as an accessory but must as a companion to seek better understanding and perception to this journey called life.
We believe in the amazing power of the mind and the universe working together.
And mind power is one of the strongest and most useful assets you possess.
This power, together with your imagination, can create success or failure, happiness or unhappiness, opportunities or obstacles.
This depends on your mindset.

Mensy stones goal is to imply hope in everyone’s mind and heart to make a positive change step by step.
Your thoughts are the main ingredient of this power, our bracelets act as a reminder to choose the best for you, good emotions, thoughts and the best intensions for your own wellbeing and self.

Powerful thoughts can create great CHANGES!